- The traffic education programme is a fixed part of the curriculum in schools in Kecskemét, and a competition also takes place.
- Education of children between the ages of four and ten.
- Support for children’s aid organisations.
- Organisation of own events.
- Support for existing events such as the Children’s Day in Városliget or the horse therapy contest.
- Play street with small cars, bicycles or scooters.
- Quiz about traffic rules, exercises.
- Many subject-related activities with toys, cars, colouring books and board games.
- Moki corners at Mercedes-Benz sales and service outlets.
- Information brochures and small gifts such as bracelets, reflectors, safety vests, key chains and stickers.
In Hungary, MobileKids works together with various charitable organisations and the police. Other collaborations are planned.
Parents and children can also obtain extensive information about other corporate programmes and the Mercedes-Benz brand.
Training courses in kindergartens and elementary schools started in 2012. Apart from the main focus of children’s safety in road traffic, MobileKids also supports other children’s aid organisations in Hungary which for example focus on sport or child protection.
In the last two years the efforts concentrated on raising the public profile of the MobileKids project in general. To this end, events for children were organised and visits to existing events were made, such as to the Children’s Day in Városliget, the horse therapy contest and the in-house family days. On the stand of MobileKids, children were able to practice with small cars, bicycles or scooters in a small mobile traffic safety park. Visitors were able to put their knowledge about traffic safety to the test in a quiz. A booklet with trading cards for completed exercises was handed out, and the children were able to take part in many subject-related activities with toys, cars, colouring books and board games. Furthermore, Moki corners for children were established at the Mercedes-Benz sales and service outlets.
The Hungarian counterpart to www.mobilekids.de was put online at www.kozlekedjbiztonsagosan.hu and is being continuously enhanced. Representatives of public offices and the media can also access information about the latest events on Daimler’s Hungarian media website at media.daimler.hu. In addition to information brochures, small gifts such as bracelets, reflectors, safety vests, key chains and stickers were also distributed at the events. In Hungary, MobileKids works with the police, the National Office for Traffic Safety, the “Life on the Road” programme and the International Child Safety Service. Other collaborations with charitable organisations are starting up.
A traffic safety education programme has been developed with Mercedes-Benz Kecskemét, and integrated as a fixed part of the curriculum in local schools. In the near future, traffic safety education is to become part of the curriculum in many kindergartens and schools. The education authorities have already been involved.