The Sterntaler daycare centre in Stuttgart-Möhringen has been around for 20 years - just like MobileKids. The pilot project on road safety was therefore a good fit for the joint anniversary. The MobileKids team was a guest at the daycare centre for a week, with daily changing activities for the children whose excitement soon also infected the adults. The one-hour offerings were easy to integrate into the daily routine of the daycare centre groups.
Age-appropriate learning about traffic
The age-appropriate "daycare centre road safety education" started together with the traffic clown, because "Waiting doesn't hurt", as the clown together with Moki was able to show the kids. Slow will also take you to where you're going safe and sound.
The training course with traffic lights, traffic signs and zebra crossing offered the opportunity for practical exercises. Sometimes the kids were pedestrians, sometimes cars. Later they took the wheels of the Bobby Cars. As a result, all children became road users. The "traffic caterpillar" expertly wrapped crossing the street in an active game. There was also a fair share of craft projects and thus the little 'Sterntalers' were able to take Moki buttons and pictures home as mementos.
"This was a very special day for us and a welcome change. Not only the children learned a lot“
Educator, Sterntaler
But it is not supposed to end there. Road safety can continue to remain on the agenda even after the campaign week. Moki presented his road safety box during the campaign week for the first time, which educators can use to consolidate road safety topics in the coming weeks.
The road safety box
The road safety box contains well-known games such as the traffic sign memory game or jigsaw puzzle, as well as a training course (can be used indoors and outdoors) that can be driven on with existing Bobby Cars, balance bikes, etc.
"We continued to make intensive use of the road safety box in the weeks that followed. The kids asked about it repeatedly and our program was really enriched"
Educator, Sterntaler
The road safety box keeps you moving and there is also something for quiet moments! The book "Traffic lights, roads and traffic" uses action flaps to teach the most important rules of behaviour in child-friendly language. Mascot Moki as a stuffed toy is a must, of course.

Are you interested in running a project week in your establishment or in working with the road safety box? Feel free to contact us at: