
The Hermann-Butzer-Schule wins a stop on the school bus tour with their category 4 (road knowledge) project. We were particularly impressed with their answer to the question: "Why should the MobileKids school bus tour make a stop at your school?", which went as follows:

"At the Hermann-Butzer-Schule, ensuring that children can make their way safely to school without being driven in by their parents is a priority. The teachers organise different campaigns to encourage children from 1st grade onwards to make their own way to school in walking groups. This year the school set up a stopping zone for parents. This stopping zone is only intended for use in exceptional circumstances. It is therefore far enough away from the school to reduce the volume of traffic outside the school building, making the journey to school safer for all children.

The pupils at the Hermann-Butzer-Schule are genuinely very interested in the subject of road safety. There are few topics that get the children talking and debating with each other more. Road safety education is of paramount importance at Hermann-Butzer-Schule and is made an integral part of the children's everyday lives by both teachers and parents. Which is why a visit from the MobileKids school bus would be inspirational and exciting for all of the children here!"