They began by looking at drive systems for the cars of the future, gathering information material and putting questions together. As part of their work they also had a meeting with TEAG, an energy company. They were able to investigate the mystery behind the fuel pump, and to get answers to their many questions about refuelling with electricity.
Since Year 2, the students have been focusing at regular intervals on the issue of sustainability in energy, in everyday life, in the home of the future and in cars of the future. They submitted a range of sustainability-related projects to the MobileKids school campaign, thereby participating as it were, through their subject matter, in the "Fridays for Future" initiative, but from their classroom.
The students look at a range of questions: How do many students get to school in an eco-friendly way? Can you name some drive systems of the future?
Having done their research, they put their ideas on paper with an overview of cars and drive systems of the future. But that was not all.
A "solar bike" project day saw them building and testing a model of a solar bike. They also learned how to behave as cyclists and familiarised themselves with the most important road signs. During a visit to the local police station they learned what the police do and took a look at a police car.