School materials

The school material offers teachers long-term support with their projects on traffic education. Our support, which you can use to prepare all your teaching, encompasses six topic-based modules such as ‘Seeing’, ‘Cycling’ and ‘Being a road user’. (Only available in German)

How do I distinguish important from unimportant stimuli?

Road traffic is full of stimuli which the practiced eye can recognise, process and correctly evaluate. Children in particular need to acquire this capability. Our Module 1 "Seeing and being seen" trains the perceptive abilities of children.
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Crossing the road

It is most important for children to respond proactively to critical situations in road traffic. This is why our Module 2 "Crossing the road" trains their attentiveness. The download is particularly suitable for teaching children in the second primary school class.
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Riding a bicycle

Children are unable to transfer the experience they gain as pedestrians directly to a bicycle. With practice and training they can progress to become independent and safe cyclists. Our Module 3 covers topics relating to bicycles, and is especially suitable for schoolchildren in years three and four.
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Sharing the road with others

Controlled interaction with others is decisive in road traffic. Children can endanger this with impulsive reactions. Our Module 4 trains them to give consideration to other road users, and is especially suitable for children in the years three and four at primary school.
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Safe on the way to school

Many children make their own way to school by bus, bicycle or on foot. Our module prepares them for this with exercises, games and creative tasks. The module is relevant for all primary school children. We particularly recommend components 2 and 3 for children in years three and four, as these cover behaviour during bus travel.
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Mobility of the future

In the preceding modules we covered behaviour in road traffic, taught necessary skills and sensitised children to their environment. In this chapter we go a step further. The children get to know the history of mobility. On this basis we encourage them to think about the future of road traffic and become active.
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Learning units

We want to help teachers educate children about traffic. Our learning units let you integrate the topic of road safety into your lessons with greater ease.

The internationally usable units contain guidelines for teaching, instructions for Q&As and practical exercises and games. We focus on feasibility when developing the practical elements. The exercises are easy to carry out within the school environment and include children’s experiences from day-to-day life.

The German learning units can be downloaded here.


Children need to learn how to classify important and unimportant stimuli. That’s why the learning unit ‘Seeing’ trains boys’ and girls’ sense of awareness.
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School way

Children need to be aware of various things so they can get to school safely. In class, initiated by the learning unit, they learn to act independently and recognise obstacles.
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Bike pro

Children can cycle on the road from around year three onwards. This unit practices their motor skills so they can get to their destination safely.
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In this unit, children can practice their forward thinking. Exercises and content stimulate their imagination and their ability to conjure up an image.
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The colourful Moki booklet (in German only)

With the colourful Moki booklet, kids can now enjoy 20 pages of road safety education to colour in, as well as a number of puzzles and games to keep them busy. The free booklet makes learning fun and gives primary school children an exciting insight into the world of road safety. With a varied mixture of pictures to colour in, tricky puzzles to solve and important safety tips to remember, it's perfect for home use or in a classroom setting.


The five free worksheets are available in German and English and, paired with our explanatory videos, create several interactive teaching units for primary school children. You can download the files either individually or as a complete package.

Online training

Road safety is extremely important to us. Accordingly we have developed an online training series together with experts.

Training 1: Traffic signs

Learn all about the most important traffic signs in four tasks and earn the bronze safety vest in our ultimate all-around quiz.

Training 2: Getting to school

Achieve the silver safety vest in three stages. Master this training and learn tips for a safe way to school.

MobileKids in Action

Animals as role models when using the road

Mobile Kids explains what road users can learn from ants, elephants, etc. to protect themselves and others.