Worldwide Much more than just nee-naw nee-naw MobileKids explains why the blue light is blue, how to behave correctly when you see it and what differences there are worldwide.
Worldwide Red-green diversity helps to safely across the road Traffic light figures guide parents and children safely across the streets worldwide. MobileKids shows how imaginatively they are designed.
Worldwide How everyone masters driving on the left MobileKids explains why one third of all people drive on the left-hand side of the road and what special features this entails for road users.
Worldwide Caution, wild animals! Around the world, there are lots of traffic signs to warn us about animals.
Worldwide Road safety education in Malaysia Traffic education for children and road safety hints for parents: In Malaysia, MobileKids takes a new approach to prepare children for road traffic.
Worldwide Polish children are made fit for road traffic Road safety is also a top priority in Poland: MobileKids set up a road safety park for children.
Worldwide Road safety education in Mexico Traffic education for young and old based on the MobileKids model is also taking place in Mexico. Read everything about the on-site activities here.
Education How gymnastics helps with road safety education Skills that also help children in road traffic are crucial in gymnastics. The Bundesliga gymnasts of TSV Berkheim know which ones they are.
Worldwide Much more than just nee-naw nee-naw MobileKids explains why the blue light is blue, how to behave correctly when you see it and what differences there are worldwide.
Safety "There's no way around bright clothing and reflectors" Lighting developer Markus Maier from Mercedes-Benz talks about the importance of light for children's road safety and the latest trends in headlamp development.
Education Where the thumb is on the right In road traffic, it is important to know the directions. MobileKids shows how primary school children can remember left and right well.